See how far you've come by reviewing your past activity and accomplishments in the My Report section of your account. Please note that currently My Report is only available on the website and not in the mobile app.
Choose a time period to view an overview of your accomplishments. See the number of lessons you've completed, the number of flashcards you've reviewed, and the total time you spent diligently studying.
Get a detailed view of your interactions with lessons over the last 7 days. View information such as which audio tracks and videos you listened to and watched, lessons marked as complete, lesson documents viewed, and more. If a phone icon appears next to an entry, it indicates that the interaction was done through the mobile app, allowing you to track your on the go progress.
Hard work deserves to be rewarded. Premium PLUS subscribers can earn badges by completing certain tasks such as finishing weekly written and spoken assignments, introducing yourself to your teacher, and engaging with them.