We don't want to see you go, but if you wish to cancel your subscription, you can do so at any time. We also offer a 60-day money back guarantee if you're unsatisfied with your subscription for any reason. To cancel your subscription, please follow the instructions outlined for each platform.
If You Purchased a Subscription Through the Website
- Sign in to the website and navigate to My Account ▸ Subscription Settings.
- If you have any active subscriptions that are set to automatically renew, you'll find a link next to the subscription to Cancel Subscription. Select this link.
- A pop-up will appear prompting you to confirm that you'd like to disable auto-renewal. Select the OK button to cancel your subscription. If your subscription is through PayPal, you'll be forwarded to PayPal's website to complete your cancelation after clicking OK.
You can also email us at contactus@[site-url] or use the Help button in the bottom left and we'll help cancel your subscription for you.
If You Purchased a Subscription Through the iOS or Android App
- Open and sign in to the app.
- Select the Menu button in the bottom right of the screen.
- Select Settings in the menu that slides in.
- At the top of the screen, you'll find details about your subscription and a Manage button to the right of your info.
- Selecting Manage will open your subscription details in your device's app store. From there you can cancel your subscription. If you subscribed through the website, selecting Manage will take you to your subscription settings page mentioned above.
Note: Deleting the app from your device will not cancel your subscription. Please follow the instructions here to cancel your subscription before deleting the app.
You can also manage your subscriptions for iOS and Android with your Mac or Windows PC. Please see these articles from Apple and Google Play for details.
If you purchased through the Android app, you can also email us at mobileapps@innovativelanguage.com and we can cancel it for you. To expedite the process, please include your Google Play order number for your subscription. It will begin with GPA. followed by a series of numbers and dashes. You'll find it in the email receipt that Google sent you when you made your purchase. Please note that Apple does not allow developers to modify user subscriptions, so for iOS subscriptions, you'll need to cancel it yourself with either of the 2 methods above.
Note: Canceling your subscription only prevents it from auto-renewing. It does not suspend the service that you paid for in advance. Your subscription will remain active and fully functional until the paid-through date. On that date, the subscription will expire and will not be renewed. Canceling your subscription will not retroactively refund subscription payments, and previously charged subscription fees cannot be prorated based on the cancellation date. Your account will then convert to a Free Lifetime Account. You don't have to wait until the last day to cancel your subscription.
Free 7-Day Premium Trial Users
If you only have a free 7-day Premium trial and didn't purchase a paid subscription before it ended, there's no need to cancel your subscription to avoid charges. It will simply expire when it ends, and you will not be charged anything.