Most languages will be taught in the dialect of the capital city of the country where the language is widely spoken. There are a few special cases listed below.
Arabic is taught in both Egyptian and Moroccan dialects. We also include Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) materials but the focus of our conversational materials remains on these dialects.
Chinese (Mandarin) is taught in mostly in the dialect of Beijing.
Norwegian is taught mostly in Bokmål as of now but with plans to expand to Nynorsk.
Spanish is mainly taught in Mexican, Iberian, and Peruvian dialects, but in some cases also in the Costa Rican and Argentinian dialects.
Portuguese is mostly taught in the Brazilian dialect, but in some cases it is also taught in the Portugal dialect.
Swahili is taught as the language is used in Kenya.
English is mainly taught in U.S. English and some in U.K. or British English.